Tag: Recruiters

Q2: Real Estate recruitment trends

Embracing technology, championing sustainability, specialising in niche markets, fostering diversity and inclusion, and cultivating adaptability are key strategies for success in this dynamic industry.

The Impact of Remote Work on Hiring

Remote work has revolutionised the modern workforce, and its impact on hiring practices is undeniable.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) in the workplace

Creating an equal, diverse, and inclusive company culture will offer your business numerous benefits....

Top tips to make every call count!

As recruitment consultants we spend a lot of time on the phone speaking to candidates, clients, chasing leads and liaising with one another – its part and parcel of the…

Managing a holiday in sales.

To successfully take a holiday in sales there are a few things that go without saying; a real holiday in sales allows up to roughly 3 hours per day escaping…

Internal talent Teams vs. Agency Recruitment

In a market where talent is at an absolute premium, managing the relationship between internal teams and external agencies is more important than it’s ever been.

Relationships (still) matter...

In the instant gratification days that we live in, it can be tough to see further than the next 24 hours ahead, never mind the forthcoming 3 years.

The art of working exclusively.

The amount of times that I’ve heard, “I’ve spoken to a couple of other recruiters and not heard back” or “My CV has been sent out to a few agencies,…

Why should I lower my fees?

All jokes and gimmicks aside, recruiters are normal people and we work bloody hard.

How to catch your recruiter’s attention.

There’re thousands of candidates out there so in order to be heard have a think about your do’s and your don’ts to add to your new years’ resolutions list.

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